Friday, January 28, 2005

DVD Review: I, ROBOT

I just got I, Robot on DVD and I wish I saw it in the theater. I didn't see the movie before I bought it because I was at Fry's Electronics and I had a buyers itch so I bought it. I really like it because I'm a fan of Will Smith Movies. Not in I think he's cute way, but he's a good actor. The Action of course was so fast pace. The Story is well written and now I want to read the book. From what the director said in the commentary said the books are short stories, later I'll just Google it. The action and the animation was so well produced that you can't tell what is real. You keep thinking how did they do that? But of course you always know that it's green screen. Anyway's from a guy's point of view I loved it. Great Action, corny one-lines from Will Smith and Robots destroying the world. The DVD has basic special features like making of, commentary, and photo gallery. There’s nothing special about that. But I'm just waiting see a Special edition DVD later on.

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